The Teleflora Thomas Kinkade 2019 arrangement, Thomas Kinkade's Hero's Holiday Bouquet. You're sure to be a holiday hero when you send this lush Christmas bouquet! It's arranged around a hand-painted, Thomas Kinkade fire station keepsake that lights up with bright holiday cheer!
Our festive bouquet features creme roses, white carnations, red miniature carnations, variegated holly, noble fir, and red huckleberry. Delivered with a Thomas Kinkade's Festive Fire Station Keepsake.
Approximately 16 1/2" W x 10" H
For 2019, this Teleflora Thomas Kinkade is a great collectible whether you have been collecting them for years, or this is your first. Each house lights up and last for years to some. Delivery of the heartfelt bouquet of keepsake flowers is available for delivery in the Pasadena, Houston, Deer Park, League City, Pearland, and surrounding areas.