Your Big Day's Big Save: Onsite Wedding Day Makeup
Posted by Enchanted Florist on 21st Dec 2015
Brides and bridesmaids take looking their best at a wedding very seriously. It is the life-changing event that will be captured forever on everyone's Facebook page, digital camera, and photo website. The best way to ensure it will look as beautiful on your 50th anniversary as it does on the day of the wedding is to employ an onsite wedding day makeup artist.
This will give you the benefits of an expert. Yes, we have all studied the models in the gigantic wedding magazines, but the pictures have all airbrushed out the techniques required to make those models look fabulous. An onsite wedding makeup artist knows them all.
And just as with a photo shoot, it is entirely too stressful to go to the artiste's place. The time spent traveling from the
salon and the wedding site is nerve-wracking as you worry about smudging your makeup before you even start your day. A salon is just one more thing to worry about on your big day, and it can be the very last thing you want on your plate.
It is also stressful to worry about the state of your makeup between pictures. On your wedding day, there will be the professional photographers wanting bunches of pictures. They always insist on a family photo, a bridal party photo, a groomsmen photo, and about a hundred more. In between the shoots, the photographer spends forever arranging everybody just right. Sweat, in the meantime, will be smearing your makeup and ruining your appearance. Keeping a makeup expert onsite will preserve you for the pictures. That will preserve your memories of the day as a day that you were radiant.
Onsite wedding day makeup takes the stress out of looking good on your wedding day, making sure that you always remember it as your very best day. If you are interested in hiring an artiste for your special day, contact us and we will set you up with one. We can even arrange for you to have one at your rehearsals.
Enchanted Florist
4416 Fairmont #104
Pasadena, TX 77504
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