Greatest Love Red Rose Casket Spray from Enchanted Florist. A loving embrace of rich, regal roses in an all-red spray to adorn the casket. This classic casket cover spray of all roses is a timeless way to honor a loved one, one last time.
This can be recreated in any color rose for the same price, one color or multiple colors like red and yellow or pink and lavender.
Approximately 62" W x 22" H
Pictured item is DELUXE option with 8 dozen (100) red roses. Standard option is 5 dozen (60) red roses in the casket cover. The premium option includes 10 dozen red roses for the casket cover.
Red Rose Casket Cover Spray | Pasadena Funeral Flower Delivery
Enchanted Florist provides six complimentary carnation boutonnieres for pallbearers for all casket covers, when requested. If you would like to upgrade them to roses, or need more than six boutonnieres, just fill out the form appropriately.
You can also add a banner to the sympathy casket cover if you would like. Casket covers are usually purchased from the family and do not need card messages but you are free to add one if you would like.