Luxurious Love Red Rose and Stargazer Bouquet from Enchanted Florist. Give the gift of luxuriousness with this beautiful vase is an exquisite bouquet of 15 red roses stargazer lilies. Endearing and enduring love, stun her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and show her just how special she is.
Our one of a kind bouquet includes the Red Luxurious keepsake vase and has 15 beautiful Ecuadorian red roses designed in it alongside fragrant stargazer lilies and seeded eucalyptus to accent this arrangement perfectly.
Approximately 19"H x 13"W
The DELUXE OPTION is pictured with 15 red roses and 4 fragrant pink stargazer lilies. The Standard Option will have 12 red roses and the Premium Option will have 18 red roses.