Pink Two Dozen Roses with Baby's Breath for Valentines Day by Enchanted Florist Pasadena TX. This show stopping bouquets of our lush and romantic Malibu roses comes complete with baby's breath, greens and a bow and is hand arranged by our premier floral designers in our upgraded pink Bella vase.
Our Malibu roses are a top selling pink rose that are a creamy white with pink tips, a bi-color rose is always a show stopper.
Pictured is the STANDARD OPTION with 24 pink roses. The DELUXE OPTION will have 27 roses. The PREMIUM OPTION will have 30 roses.
**Then use the add on options to add stargazer lilies, white hydrangeas, and butterflies to your bouquet to make it truly unique.
Size is approximately 26"H x 16"W
Valentines Day Tips:
Always order early as possible to ensure we have the bouquet you want to deliver. Click here for romantic ideas for Valentines Day card messages. Don't forget the rose petals. Rose petals for Valentines Day are a great way to create a romantic atmosphere. You can order them online here and have them ready to be picked up. We also offer chocolates in 2 delicious sizes and you can add them to your order for delivery. Click here for the Top 10 Valentines Day Ideas.
Two Dozen Pink Roses for Valentine's Day Delivery
Don't send your special Valentines flowers in a box! Let us create something special for your love. Order your two dozen yellow roses for Valentines Day here from Enchanted Florist for speedy delivery and the freshest flowers. Our expert floral designers will create a spectacular bouquet for your favorite Valentines.
Valentines Delivery Tips:
We also offer EXPRESS DELIVERY. All Valentines Day orders are delivered in the order they are placed. Most orders are placed 4-9 days before the holiday. Choose the PLATINUM option to guarantee your delivery by 11am, or the GOLD option to guarantee your delivery by 1pm. For more information on our delivery policy click here.
On many of our roses, we have the options of with or with out baby's breath. Baby's breath is a more traditional filler flower with little white flowers. Not all people like it, so we give you the option of having your roses with baby's breath or with premium greenery instead. It's up to you!