Send her the Ultimate Love Three Dozen Red Roses from Enchanted Florist and blow her away. Our beautiful 3 dozen red roses will surely impress her! When you need a BIG romantic gesture, or just want to spoil her rotten, our three dozen red roses are THE way to do it.
This stunning bouquet is over 32" high and 24" wide.
Three Dozen Red Roses | 24 Roses Delivered
3 dozen red roses delivered by Enchanted Florist Pasadena. Daily delivery to Pasadena, Deer Park, Houston, Clear Lake, Webster, Channelview, Galena Park, Houston Medical Center, Downtown Houston and more.
We also offer EXPRESS DELIVERY. All flower orders are delivered in the order they are placed.
Are you looking for something besides 3 dozen red roses? We have several other color options for rose arrangement.
Combining different rose colors is another beautiful option. Below are some of our more popular combinations: